Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Gonna Keep On Keepin' On....

March is quickly approaching and I find myself in the same old rut I've been in most of my life. Trying to lose weight and stick to healthy lifestyle habits. Why can't I lose the weight? Why can't I be more disciplined and stick to healthy eating habits? Why can't I get my ass up and go to the gym or do something? What is holding me back from living my best life? Why can't I love myself enough to take care of my body?

Fear of failure. I feel like I've already failed and I haven't really begun. I always set these goals that I never achieve when it comes to weight loss. I don't understand why this one area of my life I'm failing at. I feel like when it comes to my school, work and family life. I've set goals and work hard to achieve them and I do. What are these layers of fat hiding? What are they protecting me from? Why can't I just let them go?

This blog post has lots more questions than answers. I need time to ponder those emotional reasons that are holding me back from losing the weight. I know I can be a physically healthy person, I've been a physically healthy person at one time in my life.

Somethings gotta give, I can't maintain this trajectory and expect that I'm going to be okay. I can feel how angry my body is at me with each stair I climb and how stiff my knees and back are from the pounds of pressure it should not have to carry around. My goal this month is to get my body moving again. Lesley and I went to the gym today and it felt AMAZING! We have scheduled out the next 4 weeks for workouts which is great!  Lesley I know we can do this! I'm so proud of the weight you've already lost and I'm hoping we can lose more together!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Another month...

Goodbye, January...Hello February.

I've been using the Herbalife products since last Friday, and I lost 3 additional pounds!  This brings me to a total of 13 pounds lost!!!!  I weighed in this morning at 172 which I haven't seen in YEARS!  I'm so excited. I also did my measurements today, and apparently since 7/27/12, I've lost a total of 13 pounds and 22.25 inches!!!!  holy shit!

From looking at my measurements, I lost a little everywhere.  However, the biggest lost, were my lower thighs (right above the knee), then my tummy.  I lost about 4-5.5 in each thigh, and 3 inches on my tummy.  Yes, I started a running program with my girlfriends, but I'm still in the very early process of the program...is it possible that I lost that many inches, JUST from moving my legs a little more?  Either way...wow...I won't complain, is all I have to say.

I now have a blender, and I've been in regular contact lately, with Elizabeth, the lady who is high up on my Herbalife chain...and she was generous enough to share her smoothie shop's recipes for my 3 favorite recipes: Blueberry Almond, White Chocolate Raspberry, and Vanilla Almond Latte.  I'm so excited to be able to make those from home.

I'd also like to state that I still haven't been to a fast food place since my "fast food no more" entry in November.  I'm very proud of myself for being able to stay clear from those places.  It may seem silly to some people, but to me, it's just beating a temptation.

I guess the only goal I have for this month, is to continue using my Herbalife 2 shakes/smoothies a day program.  I have no idea how many pounds I will lose from this, so I will just continue using it.