Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Week 1: Day 2

I struggled getting today's run done mainly because I have just felt tired all afternoon.

But I did it.

I stopped twice during the walking intervals, once to tie my left shoe tighter and the second time to stretch out my calves.  They felt very tight during the entire run and finally loosened up halfway through my cool-down walk.

I am going to stretch now, and will take it easy on my legs the next couple days.  I have scheduled to go to yoga tomorrow evening and then Thursday I may do weights or take it easy on the elliptical.  Friday morning is my last run for the first week!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Here we are again...

2.5 years later...here I am again.  

It seems like this is a constant conversation between us (and many other people).  That we are not happy with the way our bodies look or feel.  We seem to always have a better image of what we want.  
It's a lot of work.  Gaining weight and picking up bad habits is so easy.  But losing weight and ditching the bad habits is so difficult.  

I've never wanted this more than before.  And I actually feel pretty positive about it.  When I'm telling myself I should workout or eat better, I actually picture myself in my head.  It's the future me, looking healthy and happy.  I have to keep this mental image and keep working towards it.  

I started the "Couch to 5K" program again today.  This will be like the 4th time I've started it.  I hope to stick to it by going slow and repeating weeks if my body needs more time before moving on to the next week's challenge/assignments.  I've always thought it'd be nice to be able to run.  I feel like it's the ultimate fit test.  So here I am, hoping to get a run practice in 3 days a week.  During today's run, I thought it would be a good idea to "journal" about my running.  And I remembered the blogger and thought I'd see if it was still here! 

I may be pushing myself, but I've always done better at working out when I pushed myself.  With my obsessive personality, I like having the constant thought of working out in my head because I feel like it keeps me on track better.  But I bought Beachbody's Cize and Piyo.  Anne and I decided to try to do Cize 30 days but we're both going off track and doing our own thing when we want.  But basically, just so we're moving and sweating for 30 days is the biggest challenge.  I tried P90 from the beachbody on demand thing  yesterday which I enjoyed.  I am now sore from it (which is good) but it was good.  Today, I did Country Heat which was a little less impact but it got me moving.  I look forward to trying some more P90 and other ones.  

I'll be planning on taking a before and after picture this time too.  I'll post it on the blog later, if I can figure out how to do that from my phone.  

But for now, I am making pork chops and baked sweet potato fries for dinner :) 

(This blog was originally created for Sash and Les - hence the website name sashandles - but I invited Anne to this so she can read it if she'd like to keep me accountable).