Monday, January 27, 2014

trying to succeed with Sasha away...

So...Sasha is on vacation laying around on beaches :)

Meanwhile...I'm trying to do my best while she's away.  Last week, I didn't get to the gym at all.  Oh well.  I did do well on eating though.  I DID go to fast food once.  But I DID get a salad.  no fries.  But I DID get a soda.  Ugh.  So I failed but I also didn't fail too much.  At least, that's how I see it.  For the first full week, and for the first time at a fast food place, I think I handled it okay.

Anyways, I was sick for the second half of last week which made going to the gym tough.  And today I was going to go, but the windchill was -50 and I didn't want to go.  So I came home after work and I ran on the treadmill in the basement.

I started my new job at the regional office on the 16th, so since then, I've been able to eat better for lunch.  Especially since I'm not as busy running around from house to's been nice to pack a lunch.  I've had a few trainings during the lunch hour in which they've provided lunches, which is fine.  But the other days, I just ate whatever I had brought in my bag (protein bars, V8 juice, etc).  The past few days I was at work I packed just a large dish of raw veggies (I used to do this when I worked at the University) which lasts awhile because I can just eat it as I work or walk around.  I don't use dip or dressings - I prefer it plain.  Today, I finally brought my big container of lightly salted nuts which I also like to munch on with my fruit to add some protein to my lunch.

And as far as dinner goes, I've been able to eat dinners at home more, now that I work normal business hours.  When I eat at home, it's almost guaranteed that I have a healthy meal because now that I'm back at my parents' mom makes Korean food every night.  And Korean food is pretty healthy - very high in veggies, some protein, and over the years my mom has created a "rice mix" rather than using plain white starchy rice.  It contains brown rice, white rice, barley, quinoa, lentils, sometimes big beans I don't know the name of, maybe wild rice, and whatever else she puts in there.  It's very filling, and it has made me extra regular!

I went out to dinner last Tuesday with Katie at Snuffy's for the first time - GREAT!  But I won't be doing that frequently.  We've decided to pack dinners when we meet Tue nights to save money and our health.

Overall - I could've done better probably.  And I knew it.  But earlier today when I told myself I didn't want to run....I thought of how I'd be a disappointment to Sasha, when she came back from vacation and realized I didn't do anything.  So's to you...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Working pays off

I'm so proud of us Lesley!!! We have been to the gym more this week than we have in the last 3 months. And it has paid off. I'm so glad for your support and it has been so helpful to have you to vent to and also provide encouragement and support. Despite your hectic week at work starting a new position and putting in a lot of hours you still have managed to avoid stress eating and you've been to the gym this week twice. We are gonna do it! I'm so inspired by what we have already done. It's the Little things that add up to big things. I've already lost 2 pounds this week. Which is really shocking to me considering I still could be better in my diet choices but it is 2 pounds closer to where I want to be. 


3 eggs with black pepper and cayenne pepper for breakfast.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Gym? What's that????

Sasha and I met this morning to discuss our goals for weightloss and better health.  We both came up with several goals, some long term, some short term.  We discussed action plans so we can make sure we can succeed this time. 

Neither of us has been to the gym in several months.  We decided to kick It off right, and met at the gym tonight.  It was a late night, but it was worth it.  We both did a c25k workout, and we both finished.  My legs are sore already, but its because I have been inactive for way too long.  I'm excited to go back on wednesday night, even though I know I won't be excited when wednesday night comes around. 

I'm proud of us for completing the workout. But I'm more proud of myself for actually getting to the gym. 

Dinner 1/13/14

Chickpea arugula spinach salad and Marsala chicken. 

1/13/14 dinner

Rice & grain mixture, sauteed baby anchovies, hot peppers, pickled cucumber kimchi.

1/13/14 lunch

Blueberry almond cheesecake smoothie and hot lemon tea