Monday, January 13, 2014

Gym? What's that????

Sasha and I met this morning to discuss our goals for weightloss and better health.  We both came up with several goals, some long term, some short term.  We discussed action plans so we can make sure we can succeed this time. 

Neither of us has been to the gym in several months.  We decided to kick It off right, and met at the gym tonight.  It was a late night, but it was worth it.  We both did a c25k workout, and we both finished.  My legs are sore already, but its because I have been inactive for way too long.  I'm excited to go back on wednesday night, even though I know I won't be excited when wednesday night comes around. 

I'm proud of us for completing the workout. But I'm more proud of myself for actually getting to the gym. 

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