Sunday, December 2, 2012

Reach for the sky??? I aiming too high???

I haven't been able to meet any of my monthly goals, and the number of lbs I've been dropping, have been getting smaller and smaller as the months go by.

In the month of November...I lost a whooping 1 pound.  yippy, right?  Well, I guess ONE pound is better than NONE....which is better than gaining rather than losing.  So yeah, I guess I am glad that I lost even one pound.  I know what the problem is though.  It's as simple as me not trying hard enough.  Sure, I'm trying...a little bit.  But I know I can do better.  I need to make lots of smaller goals and work on them little by little, and as each day goes by successfully, I feel stronger and prouder.

I still haven't gone to a fast food or food court place since my entry about "fast food no more."  I AM proud of myself for that.  And even after the first week of not going to one, I felt stronger when I had the urge to go..and I thought to myself, "I've gone one good week without fast food...I don't need to ruin it."  I still have to keep working on that though.  I may have the urge to go to a drive through or even just think about it, but I do my best to stay away.  I will even look away from the tv if a commercial for fast food joints come on.  Doing that, makes me feel stronger instantly.

The goal for this month, will just to lose a minimum of 1 pound.  Rather than focusing on the number of pounds I want to lose this month (since that's not really working for me), I'd like to make a goal on the physical side.  I'd like to get to the gym at least once a week (which is a lot more than what I've been doing recently), and to do a Workout Trainer and/or Push Ups app workout at least twice a week.  Also, the next time I go to my mom's house, I'm going to grab the Slim in 6 VHS tapes my sister gave me.  I hope to do that as much as I can at work (after the girls have gone to bed).  I hope that in the future, I can do those videos 5 days a week as they suggest, but I don't think Anne has a VHS player.  And I don't have a tv.  And I don't want one.  So...yeah.

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