Wednesday, October 3, 2012

FALL-ing Down

September's end has brought me zero success! I started the month weighing 185 lbs. and I've actually managed to gain weight. I now weigh in at a whopping 187 lbs. The heaviest I've ever been in my life! I'm so disappointed in myself and letting you down Lesley. I don't know what I'm afraid of; at this point I know I AM my biggest barrier to my weight loss. I just have to get off my butt and start exercising and eat healthier. I have gotten so out of shape, I don't even recognize myself anymore.

Lesley's blogs have been very inspiring and looking back at this blog, I realize I have not blogged at all. I told Lesley I would blog everyday. So I need to be a better friend and keep up my end of the bargain. I like how Lesley has created some workout goals/strategies for October, so I am going to do the same.

- Get 30-40minuts of a Cardio workout at least 2x/week
- Weight training 3x/week
- Go to the gym at least 12 times this month to get my monthly discount:-)
- Eat one serving of veggies daily.
- NO going to any restaurant with a drive thru for this entire month!

Better late than never, I promise to do better!

1 comment:

  1. I know you can do it sash! Lets BOTH succeeded this month. Neither of us met last months goal. And yea, better late than never.

    I'm excited for your upcoming posts because you are an educated person and you thrive on knowledge and please please please share the things you learn!
