Thursday, October 25, 2012

October update

Since Sasha and I went biking...I haven't been physically active at all.  I dog-sat at my aunts house all of last week, so I walked the dog several times, but each walk was less than a it wasn't much.  I could've kept walking (and would've liked to...) but Candy is a shitzhu nearly 13 years old and can't walk a lot with her short little legs!

My schedule has been weird because I've been STILL sleeping in late, going to work, and staying up late.  So I felt like my late night eating would make me gain weight.  I weighed myself this morning and I was at that means 3lbs down for this month's goal and a total of 8lbs lost since Sept 1st!  It's not the best, but it's still 8lbs lost!  I'm just surprised and glad that the 5lbs I lost in September are still gone!

I feel like there's been a lot of change going on in my life recently...and I feel out of sorts.  I need to get my life organized again, and get to the gym and do my phone apps (I haven't done the workout trainer OR the pushups in a long time!), and be physically active again!  I also need to make better food decisions more often than I am right now.

I really hope I can meet my October goal of losing 7lbs.  Only 4 more to go!!!!!

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