Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hi, My name is Sasha and I'm a food addict....

So Lesley and I were playing tennis a couple days ago, and I brought up that fact that I think I'm a food addict. Then today on Good Morning America there was a news story on that very thing. They interviewed Tara Season 8 winner of the Biggest Loser, who gained a lot of the weight back that she had lost, she soon discovered she was a food addict.

Looking for a 'Hunger Fix'? Food Addicts Can Re-Train the Brain - ABC News

I started the day with warm water and lemon and went to the gym today. I'm so excited that I'm sticking to the program. I did give in to cheddar cheese popcorn and soda at the mall today.  Often times in the past I would get down on myself for cheating at one meal or sneaking in a bad snack and then the rest of the week I would just eat binge and eat bad and would give up. But I have to look at it as, that was one wrong meal out of 21 meals for the week. I know I will reach my goal if I just keep on trying!

Thanks for the support Lesley!

1 comment:

  1. Sasha - you're right. It's really important to remind yourself that it's just one "fault" for the moment. You have so much more time in your day to make better choices, or to do something to burn off the extra calories (if that makes you feel better), etc.

    Thanks SO much for sharing that video! It's definitely interesting. I've heard of "overeater's annonymous" but knowing that food addiction is legit, kinda opens my eyes and mind a little bit more. Yeah, I think I could be an addict too. I love food. But let me explain...when I say I love food, I mean that I have a deep appreciation for food. Kind of in a culinary type of way. I love cooking, I want to learn everything about all ingredients so I can cook better, and taste better. In my mind, food is a form of art. However, I think I may be addicted to food too because I have very strong cravings for very specific things very frequently. That item will be on my mind until I fulfill it, even if it goes several weeks or months before I finally am able to get it.

    I took the quiz that was on that article, and apparently I'm NOT a food addict. But does it hurt to consider myself one? I can only think that it may help me want to make a bigger change in my life. I know I need to work on my bad habits.

    Great entry, Sasha! I'm proud of you!
