Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fast Food, NO MORE

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know...we've all said this before...


At least for now.  My goal is to NOT HAVE fast food until I feel like I "need" it.  I "need" it because I'm addicted to it.  And it's not okay.  I honestly feel like I'm not even hungry sometimes, and I see the golden arches and next thing you know...I'm at the drive through.  Even as I'm eating it, I can imagine the food not processing in my body and turning into bad fats because I know how bad it is for me.  And I know that if you leave a McDonald's french fry out for will never go away - it will still hold it's frame...GROSS! Yet, I'm still addicted.

Even while thinking about how I have to give up fast food, I made up exceptions, such as, "when I'm traveling, I can buy fast food."  No.  The final answer is no.  Because once I have it, I will want it again and again and again.  And if I don't have it for awhile, I will buy SO much food because I've missed it all...that I feel ill afterwards.  Great example: White Castle.  I don't eat White Castle that often.  But when I do...I want cheeseburgers, regular burgers, fries (I love their fries), mozzarella sticks, onion peels, chicken rings, and a Dr. Pepper because I don't drink soda that often, and Dr. Pepper used to be my favorite as a child.  I will order about 90% of what I just listed off, and eat about 90% of that.  The rest 10% will be eaten later in the day.  Wtf?!  NOT OKAY!

So...once again...the answer is NO.  Maybe I'll have to give "Fast Food" an acronym "FF" and think of it as "fast fat" or "f*cking fat" or "free fat" or something along those lines to remind me of what I'm doing.

I will have to meditate on this everyday until I feel confident that I've passed the "unnecessary cravings."  I know that millions of other Americans suffer from fast food addiction as well.  I hope to be one less addicted American.

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