Thursday, November 8, 2012



Apparently I don’t hate being fat, because I’m still fat and have not lost any weight in the month of October. November is not starting off too well but my goal this month is going to be minimal. I know I’m not even trying to lose weight. If I really hated being fat I would get off my ass and doing something about it.  The best I’ve felt this month was after Lesley and I biked 17miles last Friday. I felt really good about myself even though it was really hard and I was extremely sore the next couple of days it was the best I’ve felt all month. Why can’t I do that every day or at least 3x a week, or even once a week? So my goal: Work out once a week that’s only 4x this month. I have 3 more times this month to work out if I can’t do that something’s really wrong with me. So here’s a top ten list of why I hate being fat:

1. Feeling tired all the time, lack of energy
2. Hating the way I look and feel about myself—low self-confidence/self-esteem
3. Not being able to be active and do the activities I want to do without feeling winded—bike, I want to rock climb, hike, run and be able to keep up with the healthy people I’m doing those activities with.
4. Having sore joints, foot and back pain from the sheer pressure of my body I’m crushing myself
5. Fear of developing diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other chronic illnesses at a young age.
6. Not being able to wear the clothes I want or shopping in a normal size.
7. Jiggle and flab everywhere all the time, in addition to skin chaffing.
8. Feeling ashamed to have my picture taken
9. Feeling like an embarrassment/disappointment to friends, family and myself.
10. Feeling like I’m missing out on truly living my life.

Thanks Lesley, for still trying to have faith in me and pushing me to be accountable through blogging. Our bike rides have been the most successful I've felt lets keep it up. Your overall weight loss has been a great motivation!!! You can do it!

1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful blog entry, Sash! Actually, all of your blog entries so far are really awesome. I honestly enjoy reading them, and I wish you'd blog some more so I can read them all the time. You may not know this, but I find your blog entries very motivating. And I understand how you feel about MANY of your top 10...but I want you to know that you're not an embarrassment or disappointment to me, okay? But I know what you mean. Yes, let's continue being active.
